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Call for Board Member Candidates

26 Aug 2022 2:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Every September the Team Alameda Board issues a “Call for Candidates”.  This is that “Call”.

We are looking for volunteers to help run the organizational side of our club for the next 2 years (from January 2023-December 2025).  If you have ever given thought to giving back to Team Alameda, or to helping TA improve our club, this is a great way to do that — and a perfect time to get involved at a new level.  

Board members are elected for a 2-year period.  Approximately 1/2 of our board members’ 2-year term ends each year.  Some will run again, others will not.  This year we have 2 board members who are stepping down, leaving a total of 3 open seats available (we had 1 vacancy from earlier this summer).  It would be great to have 3 or more volunteers step up to fill those vacancies!  If you are interested, or if you have questions, please contact any of our current board members (their email addresses are listed on the About Us->Board of Directors page on our website).  

The nominating period opens on September 1st and will

close on September 30th.

The slate of new candidates shall be presented to the Board at its regular October meeting.  If the number of candidates is equal to or less than the number of open seats at the time the nominating period closes (September 30th), all candidates shall be deemed elected, and the result will be published to the membership.

Should there be more candidates than there are open board seats, the following election process will be followed:

1.  Voting shall be conducted electronically, with voting instructions e-mailed to all members and posted in an appropriate “members only” section of the website not later than October 15th.

2.  Voting shall take place during the period October 21 - 27 and the results shall be published to the membership not later than October 31st each year.

The specific positions and functions for each Director is decided by the Board each January at its regular business meeting, at which time the Board also shall elect its officers for the year (see Article V).

The board meets for approximately 1.5 hours monthly.  We are a great group of dedicated riders who love the Club and what it has brought to our lives.  Please consider joining us and helping us promote the club and continue offering great group rides for the Alameda community.

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